Monday, October 31, 2011

Are Acid Reflux and Shortness of Breath Related?

significant number of people who suffer from acid reflux disease also claim to have difficulty breathing. Nevertheless, many people still question whether the acid reflux and shortness of breath related. Let us answer that question with a definite yes. In reality, shortness of breath is a byproduct of acid reflux in this case. This article will explain the connection.


So, what exactly is causing shortness of breath? Basically, there are two ways that acid reflux can cause shortness of breath. In both cases, the airways become constricted or narrowed. In the first scenario, the acid from the stomach will actually flow up through the esophagus (especially when you're in the prone position) and will expand in the small airways, causing them to constrict. As a result, people will feel the lack daha.Drugostupanjski also includes the esophagus and stomach acid. But this time, acid stimulates nerve endings that are located in the lower esophagus. As these stimulate nerve endings, smooth muscles in the esophagus contracts, causing the airways to constrict and the patient to feel shortness of breath.


There are different schools of thought when it comes to treating acid reflux and shortness of breath, but most experts agree on a logical progression. This is the first to try non-medicinal solutions that attempt to stop acid reflux all along, or at least stem, thereby treating the root problem. Healing methods, then surgery may be used as any drastic measures if natural remedies do not have the desired effect.

Continue reading to see the natural and medical treatments for acid reflux and sign up for free newsletter acid reflux at the end of the article.

Natural treatments include:

about losing weight -. People who are overweight or obese should try to lose weight before moving on to other measures, such as this can make a drastic difference in the severity of the condition

a diet low in fat -. It is important to eliminate or reduce fatty foods in the diet as these will aggravate the symptoms of acid reflux

O Elevated sleeping position - when sleeping or lying down, it's a good idea to raise his head. This will prevent the flow of acid from the stomach and can help reduce the hacking, coughing and shortness of breath at night.

On eliminate Trigger foods - it's also a good idea to avoid foods that are natural augmenters to acid reflux. A list of these foods are available online. Some of the main culprits are foods high in fat, fried foods, spicy foods, alcohol, caffeine, chocolate and fizzy drinks.

on the border diet - try to eat smaller meals and eat more often. Also, eat your meals slowly to make sure you chew your food thoroughly before swallowing. Chewing food releases enzymes in the mouth and begins the process of digestion. Avoid "stuffing your face" or "inhalation of food," like eating this way can lead to indigestion and reflux symptoms.

In addition to these natural methods, there are some therapeutic steps can be taken. There are two main types of medicinal treatments - proton pump inhibitors (PPI) and H-2 blockers. PPI's can help to effectively reduce the amount of acid present in the stomach. Surgery is another option, but should not be considered without a doctor's recommendation and is usually only offered after the other traditional methods are not.

Briefly, acid reflux and shortness of breath are povezane.Najbolji way to try to cure shortness of breath is to attack the root causes reflux kiseline.Dobro place to start is with these methods of treatment.

Does Acid Reflux Cause Bad Breath?

Acid reflux is very painful and dangerous condition that should not be ignored by sufferers. It can cause permanent damage to the esophagus, and in extreme cases even lead to cancer. However, no acid reflux cause bad breath? And if so, how, and what you can do to fix this?

What is acid reflux?

Before we go into that, you get a better understanding about what acid reflux and its symptoms. When a person eats the stomach produces acid species, which helps break down food, so you can digest.

of the stomach has a small valve between it and the esophagus that keeps the acid in the stomach, where it belongs. Acid reflux refers to a condition where acid spilling on top of the stomach, past the valve, and back up into the esophagus.

so how does acid reflux cause bad breath?

Remember that the breath is not just coming from his mouth. Each ray passes through the sinuses, the back of the throat, and even comes from the stomach and digestive system is thrown out of his mouth breath. As you can see, these acids and small bits of food particles and other elements in this mixture can affect the air that we call our breath.

Many people who have acid reflux get a bitter taste in your mouth or you often feel like you're thrown into his mouth, it is because the acid from the stomach can travel as throat and mouth. And if the acid can travel as far, apparently breath can affect acid as well!

Does acid reflux cause bad breath at all?

Not everyone is that acid reflux will automatically have bad breath, even though it is not so unusual. Anyone with this condition should be doing everything they can to keep it under control, as it is very serious, and bad breath is just a symptom of damage can be done on the system.

When considering how much acid reflux cause bad breath, you have to remember that if your breath is affected then your esophagus and mouth will be good, so it is important to solve this problem.

What Causes Acid Reflux Disorder?

also known as Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease or GERD, acid reflux disorder is a condition in which abnormal digestive acids back up into the esophagus, thus causing irritation and even damage to it. When the refluxed liquid is composed of larger volumes and rises up into your throat, it is called laryngopharyngeal reflux disease.

acid reflux disorder is among the many complicated medical problems that patients face today. And with the continued increase in the population that suffers from this chronic disease, many are trying to find out more about it.

causes of acid reflux disorder varies in different forms, but each affects patients differently. Some of the most common factors that drive the disorder include: lower esophageal sphincter, esophageal contractions and hiatal hernia


the lower esophageal sphincter (LES)

function of the lower esophageal sphincter is probably the most important mechanism that prevents acid reflux poremećaj.Les lies, where muscular tube known as the esophagus meets the stomach. It consists of a ring of muscle that relaxes every time we swallow to allow saliva or food entering the stomach and closes again.

When the LES is not functioning properly, then acid reflux disorder results. When weak, the possibility of stomach acid into the esophagus is more likely to leak. Another inconsistency in the LES is prolonged relief will not shut off automatically when food or saliva passed.

esophageal contractions

The activity of the muscles of the esophagus is one that pushes what he has swallowed down into the stomach. When the contractions were malfunctioning, regurgitated from the stomach acids digesting not pushing back where he came from. This inability to clear the esophagus acid leaves more exposed to the irritating and harmful agents. Smoking is among the largest contribution to the weakening of esophageal contractions by people who suffer from acid reflux disorder are advised to stop smoking.


This physiological abnormality is highlighted further protrusion of the stomach through the diaphragm - a strong muscle that separates the organs in the chest than in nastavku.Les located immediately below the diaphragm and the problem with the positioning of the organ is likely to cause acid reflux disorder. Some of the potential factors that may contribute to rupture include:

of abnormalities related to the esophagus and diaphragm.
the steady decline in the length of the esophagus that may be due to inflammation of the acid scars over the years.
about pregnancy
about sudden weight gain

Natural Remedies For Acid Reflux Disease

Just as there are many medical and pharmaceutical remedies for acid reflux or GERD, there are just as many natural remedies for acid reflux disease as well. Folk remedies have been around for a very, very long time. It is important to note that, although natural remedies are great for some people, they are not for others. As we always say about these types of cases, "to seek and do what is best for you, regardless of the ."

If you want to pharmaceutical agents to relief, then by all means, go for it. However, there are many protagonists of the natural health community who claim to have answers. This article is about the natural remedies. I suggest you try them for yourself and see if they work for you. Trial and error is the best thing you can try.

Naturalists say that after detoxification diet, drinking a gallon of filtered water daily and taking high doses of probiotics (good bacteria) can counteract reflux kiseline.Pravilo is that you should drink enough water daily to keep your urine light yellow color. It is worth noting that suffers from acid reflux May you need to drink more than that at lower pH levels in the stomach.

The probiotics, apparently there should be a 85% presence of probiotics in the gut or intestines. Probiotics counter the effects of bad bacteria, which are present in everyone.

Yet another list of one of their favorite natural remedies for acid reflux disease-like plant called Artemisia asiatica. Others swear by the use of fresh garlic as a preventive measure Gerd simptoma.Češnjak should be broken with a spoon before it is ingested in order to maximize the desired effect. Garlic is known to kill an organism called Helicobacter pylori, or H. pylori in the gastrointestinal tract. This is the only material in the stomach that can not be neutralized by hydrochloric acid (HCl ).

to the less technical side, there are simple everyday natural remedies, previše.Jednostavna use cinnamon on toasted raisin bread is popular. Cinnamon also has antiseptic properties and is able to solve the problems of stomach acid.

chewing dry skin of grapefruit has been shown to help sufferers of GERD symptoms. Just dry them on a plate and when you feel symptoms coming on, eat some of these skins. How much will you need to take depends on your condition.

minerals present in the romaine lettuce are known to settle an upset stomach and lower levels of acidity in the stomach.

mixture of mace, nutmeg, and slippery elm is very effective in relief of GERD symptoms. This is simply prepared by mixing these elements with distilled water and added them to a pint of hot half and half. Drink it like tea, when symptoms appear. You can keep some of those ahead of time in the refrigerator. Only some heat when you need it.

I always tell my readers to consult a doctor before trying natural remedies for acid reflux disease. So, please talk to your doctor about these items to ensure that no negative interactions with any drugs you take regularly now May.

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Which Option Is Best For Treating Acid Reflux Naturally

There are a number of different ways you can treat Laryngopharyngeal reflux and acid reflux naturally. For many people who suffer from frequent acid reflux or gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), natural and non-drug remedies are the preferred way to not only treat their symptoms, but also prevents them from recurring.

The following are examples of common natural remedies for acid reflux. However, keep in mind that not all natural treatments will benefit anyone who suffers from acid reflux, because each condition is specific to the individual. In other words, what works for one person, does not always work for another.

life changes - Lifestyle changes are often the first step in treating acid reflux naturally, because this form of treatment is designed to stop the acid reflux sufferer from subjecting their tijelomnogi factors that may cause symptoms of weakening les. Changes in lifestyle will vary depending on the individual, but typically include:

- Removal of food and beverages that trigger reflux (IE spicy and fatty foods, citrus and tomato products, caffeinated drinks, alcohol, etc.)

- Eat smaller meals more frequently rather than gulping food. Chew food thoroughly to begin the process of digestion.

- do not eat 2-3 hours prior to bed and sleep with your head and shoulders elevated about 3-6 cm

- the loss of excess weight if overweight or obese

- Stop smoking and avoid smoky environments where you can breathe in a lot of second hand smoke

- do not wear constricting clothing (IE avoid corsets, belts, tight pants, etc.)

- reduces stress levels, because it can lead to behavior that promotes acid reflux


link - Believe it or not, but the water is actually one of the easiest ways to treat and prevent acid reflux naturally. Drinking lots of water a day (IE eight, 8 oz. Glasses of water daily) helps to improve digestion and flushes residue acid from the esophagus.

herbal remedies and foods - There are many different herbs, fruits and other foods that are recommended to relieve and prevent heartburn and other symptoms of acid reflux, including:

- Ginger

- chamomile

- dandelion root

- Slippery elm

- Melissa

- Active manuka honey

- apple cider vinegar

- Ripe papaya fruit

- Bananas

natural food remedies are typically ingested raw before, during or after meals. Herbs can be eaten in its natural form, taken as a capsule or tea form before, during or after meals.

Alternative Treatment - Common alternative treatments used to cure acid reflux naturally, include:

- Acupuncture - a technique based on traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), which involves inserting very fine needles into specific points on the skin to stimulate the body and encourage them to control symptoms, relieve pain and treat

- Acupressure - follows the same principles as acupuncture accept that fingers, thumbs or knuckles instead of using needles to apply pressure to specific points to stimulate healing


- Homeopathy - Alternative Treatment is based on the Law of Similars.Uvjerenje that natural substances prepared in a specific way, and is used in small doses, restores health of the sick person, which would otherwise cause healthy people to become ill.

- Homeopathy - Alternative Treatment is based on the Law of Similars.Uvjerenje that natural substances prepared in a specific way, and is used in small doses, restores health of the sick person, which would otherwise cause healthy people to become ill.


No matter how you choose to cure acid reflux naturally, do not forget that it is imperative you follow all instructions and the recommended doses carefully, and find out if there are any side effects or drug interactions should be aware of.


For people prone to acid reflux / GERD because of peptic ulcer, hiatal hernia, Barrett's esophagus, gastroparesis (delayed gastric emptying), or some other condition such as diabetes or asthma, natural treatment May not be enough, and often in combination with other treatment methods, such as medications and possibly surgery.

Discovering what natural remedies will work for you will probably be a process of elimination, so they do not become discouraged. In addition, you will find it easier to find out what medications are best for treating your acid reflux, of course, learning what the root cause is that triggers your symptoms of acid reflux. Therefore, you should have your condition properly diagnosed by health workers, as well as seek treatment advice from your doctor.

A Balanced Approach to Exercise with Acid Reflux

Experiencing acid reflux esophagus and stomach is not a picnic. Anyone who has felt the burn of heartburn does not look forward to your return. In order to control acid reflux and reduce the risk of heartburn, there are many natural techniques you can try and suffer, such as watching their diet, and manage your weight. When it comes to managing weight, exercise plays an important role. Unfortunately, some exercises can actually cause acid reflux.

exercise does not usually cause heartburn, but for those who suffer from chronic acid reflux, heartburn can occur, especially when dealing with high-impact and jarring exercises such as running, or for athletes who participate in an intense fitness regime . Furthermore, stomach exercise seems to cause acid reflux in some people.

It seems that the symptoms of GERD caused by exercise are due to excessive contraction of abdominal muscles. Some exercises cause stomach acid to travel back to the esophagus, which tends to result in heartburn, shortly after the exercises are completed.

Although there is a risk that May you experience heartburn either during or after performing a particular exercise, it does not mean that you should not exercise. In fact, there are many ways to prevent exercise-induced žgaravice.Evo few suggestions.

eat sensibly before workout - Eat foods that are high in carbohydrates and low in fat and protein. Avoid foods such as caffeinated drinks, spicy and fatty foods, chocolate and citrus juice. Foods that dramatically increase the risk of acid reflux

Do not exercise immediately after meals - wait 1-2 hours after eating before engaging in exercise. Exercising on a full stomach puts pressure on the sphincter and increases the likelihood of acid reflux nastaju.Sfinkter the circle of muscle between the stomach and esophagus.

drinking water - to drink (do not swallow) a lot of water while working out to keep yourself well hydrated and to help digestion. As a guide, drink 8 oz. of cold water 30 minutes before exercise, and sip a 16 oz. of cool water every 15 minutes while exercising. Finally, drink about 24 g of water when you're done. Note:. The amount of water you drink may change based on the intensity and duration of exercise

Ton-up exercise level - instead of engaging in activities that require a lot of jiggling and bouncing like running or high impact aerobics (eg jumping jacks, step-aerobics, sit-ups, etc.) - which increase risk of acid reflux -. participate in walking, cycling and swimming exercises

medication - If you suffer from chronic heartburn and take medication for your condition, such as over-the-counter H2 blockers (Pepcid, Zantac, etc.) or prescription medications, talk to your doctor about taking meds before exercising if you frequently experience heartburn during exercise.

Do not forget to talk to your doctor!

If you find that exercise is causing heartburn, make sure you talk with your doctor before you start taking the medication. Ask your doctor to recommend exercises that will cause less problems. If you can not find new ways to exercise, without causing heartburn, medication may be the best solution.

Finally, make sure not to neglect your body. If you experience chest pain during exercise, do not ignore the pain and brush it aside thinking it was just heartburn. Chest Pain May actually be a symptom of the true heart of the problem. Always have chest pain checked out by your doctor.

Remember, the risk of exercise-induced heartburn is not an excuse not to exercise. Think of it this way. It's better to exercise and take your chances of suffering heartburn that can be treated with medication, but do not exercise and increase the risk of heart attack and a slew of other health problems.

Home Remedies For Acid Reflux Disease - From Gum to Apple Cider Vinegar

There are many people who suffer the effects of acid reflux disease, a disorder in which stomach contents, including gastric acids are regurgitated back into the esophagus and throat. Those who suffer from its effects and know the symptoms, heartburn, pain or burning in the throat, a bitter taste in the back of the throat, difficulty swallowing, chronic cough, hoarseness, and caused damage to the larynx. Fortunately for most people simple home remedies for acid reflux disease can usually control the problem.

Many people mistakenly think that acid reflux or GERD (gastro-esophageal reflux disease) is caused by the production of much stomach acid. While stomach acid is the main cause of symptoms is a reason to come back into the esophagus is a failure of the three specific points in the esophagus, the anti-reflux barrier, the lower esophageal sphincter and gastroesophageal valve. If any of these three barriers weakened or acid has a chance to move back up into the esophagus.

Probably the best home remedy to acid reflux at bay, eating a healthy diet that reduces the production of stomach acid. One way to find out which foods make the symptoms worse is to keep a food log for several weeks. Keep track of which foods set off acid reflux, then it becomes easier to avoid them, or at least eat them in moderation. This list can vary from person to person, but there are some foods that are known to cause acid reflux symptoms in the majority of its sufferers. These include fatty foods, spicy foods, certain spices, some citrus fruits, and caffeine.

One of the more unknown remedies for acid reflux is apple cider vinegar. In addition to treating GERD apple cider vinegar is also rumored to help with weight loss, acne, cholesterol, constipation, and heartburn. It is believed that the acidity of the vinegar mimics the acid in the stomach helps to easily digest foods that jede.Najbolji way to get apple cider vinegar is just before or with meals. One tablespoon mixed with water works best, but make sure to use the organic variety, which still has enzymes in it.

There are certain fruits and vegetables that have a soothing effect on the stomach can help control symptoms of acid reflux. These include bananas, apples, figs, pineapple and papaya along with carrots and cabbage. Cinnamon, cardamom, mace, nutmeg, and slippery elm several herbs and spices also help to reduce the impact of GERD.

Chewing gum is another quick remedy for acid reflux. It works by increasing saliva production and saliva is a natural body of an ant-acid. As you swallow the excess saliva produced chewing gum to solve the stomach and reduces the amount of acid produced.

If you or someone you know suffers from acid reflux disease then trying some of these home remedies can provide relief from symptoms. It is important to talk to your doctor about GERD and get a thorough examination, because if not treated properly it can damage the esophagus and can eventually cause a form of throat cancer.

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Taking Care of Your Acid Reflux Problem Once and For All

Acid Reflux May not be as common as the flu, but the sufferers, it is more than just a little inconvenient situation. Often, people with acid reflux have to undergo chest pains, heart burns and even nausea. In extreme cases, this condition can lead to laryngopharyngeal reflux disease (gastric gas build-up in the throat), and even to esophageal cancer.

What is acid reflux?

also known as GERD / GORD or gastroesophageal reflux disease, medical condition characterized by repetitive and painful symptoms, and damage to the mucus lining of organs brought on by abnormal reflux (accumulation or backup) of gastric gas into the esophagus. You see, when our body breaks down food, gas usually accumulates in the digestive system. Normally, the gas then should go out of our system or by burping or passing gas through the rectal area.

Unfortunately, in the case of GERD, gastric gas remains in the esophagus longer. This gas build-up causing permanent damage to the mucus lining of the esophagus području.Stvarni process is similar to acidic steam burning a hole in the roof of the esophagus.

What are the symptoms of acid reflux?

Symptoms vary from person to person, depending on both age and suffer his previous state of health. However, here are the most telling signs of acid reflux.

for adults, indigestion or heartburn is common simptom.Osoba usually experiences a painful burning sensation in the chest, esophagus, throat, neck, and even parts of the jaw. This condition is very often leads to chronic cough as well.

Other telltale symptoms include: chronic chest pain, chronic ear pain, difficulty swallowing (dysphagia), hoarseness, nausea, recurring bouts of coughing, voice changes, and


Children's conditions are more difficult to diagnose. However, some of these symptoms can be exposed if they are younger Gerd:. Bad breath, coughing, failure to gain weight, host of breathing problems, inconsolable crying, vomiting repeatedly, and even refusing food

Is there a cure acid reflux?

Luckily enough doctors are saying "Yes" to this question. There are three ways to do this.

A: For mild to moderate cases, there is a diet and lifestyle modification. There are certain types of foods to avoid (especially a couple of hours before bedtime), such as alcoholic beverages, BROCCOLIS, broccoli, carbonated beverages, cauliflower, chocolate, coffee, foods high in fat, milk (all milk-based products contain large amounts of calcium and fats,) onions, oranges, peppermints, spinach and tomatoes.

Life changes mean cutting down on (or better yet, eliminating the total) in smoking and weight reduction. Also, people with GERD are advised not to eat at least 2-3 hours before bedtime. Smaller meals are recommended as well.

GERD patients really need to seek consultation with a physician before taking any form of medication. There is no drug that can cure GERD. Usually, doctors prescribe a combination of drugs to relieve the symptoms only. Some of these medications include: Gaviscon, famotidine or ranitidine, proton pump inhibitors and sucralfate or Carafate. Antacids should be taken only when prescribed by a physician, and only in very limited quantities. Excessive intake of vitamin C is also not encouraging.

Two: There is positional therapy where people with GERD is recommended to sleep on the left. Obviously, this drastically reduces bouts of reflux episodes during the night in most ljudi.Jastuk acid reflux can also help, because there is no evidence that raising the head while sleeping can reduce gastric build-up. Also, it seems that constant slouching can cause gastric build-up.

Three: The surgical treatment should be a last option. Some of these procedures are. Endocinch, nDo Surgical Plicator and Stretto process through endoscopy, endoscopic injection of the Enteryx, a Nissen fundoplication through laparosscopically

Friday, October 28, 2011

Can Acid Reflux Heartburn Kill You?


Acid Reflux Cough - How to Identify and Put an End to It

Ako je vaše kiselina refluks je relativno blaga, sve to može poduzeti kako bi stati na kraj na svoj kronični kašalj je neke promjene načina života. Na primjer, da ćete želite jesti češće tijekom dana, s vašeg obroka biti manji. Ćete želite dopustiti najmanje tri sata nakon zadnjeg obroka prije nego što odete u krevet (to smanjuje vjerojatnost da će ustati želučane kiseline u jednjak). Ćete želite izbjeći namirnice koje su obično povezane s GERB, kao što su čokolada, mliječni proizvodi, pržena hrana, i agrumi. Ove male promjene mogu biti vrlo dobro sve što trebate staviti kraj na kašalj refluksa kiseline.


One of the symptoms of acid reflux that is often overlooked in the chronic cough. This is because at first glance it seems that there is little or no connection between the two. It can also be attributed to the fact that cough is a relatively common occurrence, and the result of numerous other causes, such as colds, flu, bronchitis, etc.


Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) is the medical term for what we know as acid reflux. Acid reflux occurs when stomach releases its liquid back into the esophagus, causing inflammation and damage to the lining jednjaka.Regurgitated acid usually consists of a few compounds: acid, bile, and pepsin. Stomach acid is used in digestion of food and can be a major irritant to the esophagus because of a tendency to damage tissues.

Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) is the medical term for what we know as acid reflux. Acid reflux occurs when stomach releases its liquid back into the esophagus, causing inflammation and damage to the lining jednjaka.Regurgitated acid usually consists of a few compounds: acid, bile, and pepsin. Stomach acid is used in digestion of food and can be a major irritant to the esophagus because of a tendency to damage tissues.


Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) is the medical term for what we know as acid reflux. Acid reflux occurs when stomach releases its liquid back into the esophagus, causing inflammation and damage to the lining jednjaka.Regurgitated acid usually consists of a few compounds: acid, bile, and pepsin. Stomach acid is used in digestion of food and can be a major irritant to the esophagus because of a tendency to damage tissues.


Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) is the medical term for what we know as acid reflux. Acid reflux occurs when stomach releases its liquid back into the esophagus, causing inflammation and damage to the lining jednjaka.Regurgitated acid usually consists of a few compounds: acid, bile, and pepsin. Stomach acid is used in digestion of food and can be a major irritant to the esophagus because of a tendency to damage tissues.


Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) is the medical term for what we know as acid reflux. Acid reflux occurs when stomach releases its liquid back into the esophagus, causing inflammation and damage to the lining jednjaka.Regurgitated acid usually consists of a few compounds: acid, bile, and pepsin. Stomach acid is used in digestion of food and can be a major irritant to the esophagus because of a tendency to damage tissues.


There is yet another indication that you might consider as well. Most people will turn to cough syrup when they have a nagging cough. Surprisingly, coughing acid reflux is unlikely to respond to a cough syrup. However, this may very well respond to antacid. If you do in your situation, then it is a great way to trace the cause behind the cough.

Translating ...

Alternative Medicine - Herbal Remedies in Acid Reflux Treatment

Alternative medicine is an area considered by many as pure quackery. Indeed, "modern" medicine frequently dismissed any form of herbal or alternative medicine as nothing more than šala.Samo concept of modern physicians referring patients to practitioners of alternative medicine was unheard of.

How times have changed! Use of alternative medicine has become extremely popular over the last 10-15 godina.Javnost narrowly adopted many alternative therapies in a world full of superbugs, avian flu and
many other terrible diseases and afflictions. It is now increasingly common for doctors to refer patients to aromatherapists and acupuncturists in conjunction with private pharmaceutical treatments.

Do you know what you are taking? People who suffer from acid reflux are particularly interested in finding a possible cure for their condition - whether or not an alternative. Have you ever taken your medication without checking contraindications printed on the leaflet inside? Of course, you have to have I. It is sobering to actually sit there and read some of the potential side effect of many such drugs can have. This is equally true tablet May you be taking to treat acid reflux.

off the digestive system, such as some antacids interfere with absorption of calcium and vitamins in the body which can lead to future problems with conditions such as osteoporosis. Also unknown to many heartburn sufferers is that some antacids reduce the discomfort of heartburn acid shutting down acid secretion in the stomach. It does not cure the problem - it just tops it from happening in a short time. Then consider how some people react to lijekove.Antacid can be very effective on one person and totally ineffective in another. This will "force" people to try several different types and brands of time to run the risk of taking more medicines for a short time. Talk about a bad idea!

This is where alternative therapies come in. Otherwise, one type of treatment will be sufficient to resolve the symptoms suffered doživljava.Jedan tea concoction of herbs or capsules can be enough to solve all the problems of patients. The basic logic behind this is that fewer treatments or medications the patient must take to cure one problem better. Your body can only handle so many toxins or potential toxins at any time.

Another reason people turn to alternative medicine because of the chemicals used in the manufacture of antacids. Here is a brief list:

* Sodium Bicarbonate

* Magnesium hydroxide

* Calcium Carbonate

* aluminum phosphate

All of these have the effect of helping to neutralize the hydrochloric acid in the stomach. Hydrochloric acid is needed for proper digestion of food. Reducing or preventing these acids your body will be asked to produce more acid to replace him - due to the effects of antacids have just taken. This can cause a condition called "acid leap" in which the body will end up with far more acid than it actually needs. This is the case of short-term benefits for long-term discomfort - if that makes sense

are herbal remedies effective? Herbal medicines are largely based on faith, practitioners and users themselves. This belief should not be discounted - especially if the products really work. Alternative therapies rarely aim of treating acid reflux, but to help the body may be better able to cope with the situation. How? By strengthening the digestive system, so as to affect the acid reflux or not occur at all or severely minimized.

So, what to do as herbal treatments take? You can expect to be available in the form of tea, juice, capsules and food supplements, herbal treatment that all vendors will claim to be 100% safe. That being said, you never do any harm to a Google search on the ingredients to ensure that they are 100% safe and that there was no internet or negative newspaper reports about them.

Acid Reflux Can Fool You - It Might Really Be a Heart Attack or Vice Versa

pain radiating from your chest or surrounding areas can be scary! The first thing you probably think you had a heart attack - but this is not necessarily so. May you have an attack of acid reflux instead. Acid reflux causes a burning sensation in the chest and throat that can be easily confused with heart pain.

symptoms of heart pain and acid reflux are similar, but there are some differences. However, it does not take a chance with your life! Seek medical care at once if you have any symptoms that might be related to a heart attack.

There are some signs you might want to keep in mind, but do not resort to be your own doctor. With this firmly in mind, here are five ways in which a heart attack and acid reflux symptoms vary:

1.Snažan feeling the pressure follows most heart napada.Tlak also be a strong feeling of squeezing. If you have a heart attack, it can appear a lot of pain, or just the feeling of pressure or squeezing. With a heart attack pain or discomfort will usually go on for more than 10 minutes. If pain or discomfort quickly subsides, probably not related to the heart. However, you May have symptoms of angina and to require medical care, as well.

2 If the pain is largely centered around the throat, this is probably due to reflux kiseline.Žarenje is probably the result of stomach acid, which are backed up into your esophagus.

3 With heart conditions can follow the exercise of chest pain. It is usually not exactly acid reflux, because physical activity rarely makes the act of acid reflux worse.

4 After you've eaten a meal, if you experience pain - this is probably due to acid reflux or heartburn and not heart attack


5 If pain or burning sensation spread from the breast to nearby parts of the body - such as shoulder, neck, jaw and hands - these symptoms may be you or tell you that you have a heart attack or angina

When you feel discomfort or pain in the chest or surrounding areas, you need to take that as a warning. Do not ignore the warning, but to seek medical care as soon as possible.

Thursday, October 27, 2011

15 Ways to Treat Acid Reflux Naturally

treat gastric reflux natural medicine perspective. Often, when acid comes from the burning in my throat after a meal or as a response to an emotional crisis can be caused by GERD. How did this happen? At the top of your stomach is a muscle called the lower esophageal sphincter (LES), which normally opens and closes allowing food to enter the stomach? This prevents stomach acid from backing up into your esophagus. One out of every ten people with illness and suffering from the pain heartburn every day.

How can I help reduce acid reflux?

1 Look for foods or food combinations that can be powered by digestive disorders. Suggestion: Keep a food diary for two weeks and record all foods and beverages ingested and the time when it was taken.
2.Are you are too fast or not chewing your food pulp? Proposal: Time how long or how many times you chew a little food to turn it into a liquid in your mouth before swallowing.
Third Eat small, frequent meals.
4th Did you eat close to bedtime? Eat lightly. If you eat meat or protein complex within 3 hours of retirement, the food will rot in your stomach and cause indigestion.
5th Are you getting this worse at certain times of day or night?
6th Did you stay up late and not getting enough quality deep sleep to help your digestive system to relax at night? From 11:00 p.m. to 11:00 a.m. all your digestive system is actively trying to balance their energies.
7th Did you check for side effects of medications or supplements to see if they are somehow upsetting your system? to discuss any medications you are taking with your doctor. Gerd, of course, try the following:
8th Wear loose clothing that breathes naturally. Narrowing can cause discomfort all ready spread the digestive system.
9th Maintaining a healthy weight through proper food intake, exercise and deep breathing every day.
10th Do not lie flat on his back after eating just reclines at an angle.
11th When you go to sleep at night lying in the corner or on your left to die if it is pleasant to relieve stress on your esophageal tissues
12th Check with your doctor of homeopathic constitutional remedies to GERD
13 godina.Sljedeći is a list of other herbs and supplements that are used to relieve digestive upset.
14th Avoid fried foods, red meat, coffee, hot peppers, such as cinnamon, chile, red meat, paprika, mustard, alcohol, citrus, plums and tobacco.
15 years. These foods, supplements and herbs can help heal the inflamed tissue (if not sensitive to them). Wet watery foods such as water soup, porridge made ​​from oats, barley, rice, honey, water, banana, avocado, tofu, soy milk, sour milk or yogurt, goat milk products, spinach, cucumber, cabbage, potatoes, seaweed, chlorophyll rich foods, plants: slippery elm, marshmallow, red raspberry and linen tea, chamomile tea, if a person is allergic to ragweed, aloe vera avoided if you are pregnant or have a history of kidney problems DiGize essential oils - Massage a drop or two on topically. stomach to soothe digestive problems

** Always consult a physician if burning continues.

How Are Allergies and GERD Related?

If you read Internet forums devoted to mustard, quickly noted that there are many people who suffer acid reflux and allergies.

doctors still treated as an acid reflux problem caused by excess stomach acid. Those treated with PPIs, proton pump inhibitors, which seek to reduce stomach acid.

Similarly, doctors treat allergies such as stuffy nose or asthma, prescribing medications that treat allergy symptoms, and not their causes. This article explores a common cause of allergies and GERD, and shows what May be able to do about it, if medications do not help, or if you decide not to take medication. Remember to always consult a qualified licensed medical professional -. But this article will contain important information that will benefit from knowing

GERD and allergies - joined at the hip

To see the connection between acid reflux and allergies we need to understand a little about how the body deals with foreign invaders. When we encounter things that our bodies are foreign to us to decide our body raises defenses against such foreign bodies. Our bodies produce IgE, which is specifically keyed to react to these foreign bodies.

Our mast cells contain this IgE on their surfaces. So the next time we encounter a foreign body, this body is the key to that specific IgE on mast cells and shown mast cells respond to foreign body and set up an immune response. Foreign bodies are what we breathe, what we touch and what we eat. When our bodies react to foreign bodies, breathe, touch or eat, their immune response is actually an inflammatory response.

We are all familiar with inflammation when we bang our knee against something and gets all red and gets a bump on it. It's inflammatory response.

What few realize that we have an internal inflammatory response. Inflammation is the same as the inflammation of the outer, only worse.

Allergies, internal inflammation and stomach

Normally, the food should be divided into short little sugar molecules and proteins and fats. These short molecules to pass through the intestinal wall, through the liver, and processed and sent to various tissues.

These short molecules are no longer large enough to resemble pork and potatoes. They are usually so short that they do not give any of our mast cells of the immune cues.

But, if you are suffering from internal inflammation, our intestinal wall is inflamed. The inflammation causes the intestinal wall to get bigger, just like when you bang your knee gets swollen and bigger.

greater spacing in swollen intestines allow larger molecules migrate through and on your body.

before, with the normal intestine, only very briefly, recognizable molecule could enter your bloodstream. Now, with our swollen and inflamed intestine, large molecules to pass. What you need to understand the large molecules it. All proteins are made of 20 amino acids. Each of bacteria, viruses, spinach leaf, a piece of pork, or pecan pie in the world is a protein consisting of the same 20 amino acids.

An amino acid is the same as drugi.Tijelo not respond to a single amino kiselina.Kratki chain amino acids, as well as a few pearls in the string, there would be no reaction, because, as we have seen, it is not recognizable as a body coming from foreign plant or animal. But, as you build large molecules with hundreds or thousands of amino acids, resulting in molecules resemble certain pieces of animals or plants and the body reacts against them.

For example, soy protein, which has thousands of amino acids dugo.Zdrava hoses to break those down into short pieces of chains of amino acids that are unrecognizable, but it is a good food protein. However, inflamed bowel will allow many of these large proteins through before they are chopped into small, unrecognizable proteina.Velike soy protein molecules can now enter the bloodstream. There cause further inflammation reaction.

These larger molecules should not be floating around in the body. The body recognizes them as foreign and begins to react.

How our bodies react with foreign proteins

body of IgE and larger molecules that are not supposed to be there. To further mobilize the immune response. Swelling, migration of inflammatory cells in different parts of the body. Just as we have seen with allergies.

What is worse, that these large molecules often resemble molecules found naturally in the body. For example, someone might look a bit like your own body reacts against this tkiva.Tijelo large foreign molecules and the molecules resembles the body's own molecules, the body attacks its very own tissue.

This is a source of food intolerances and shows how to cause auto-immune problems and internal infection. Once these food intolerances start, they continue, and often worse, because our gut is constantly upaljena.Upala in the gut to increasingly large foreign proteins through our bloodstream. These additional foreign proteins also resemble proteins found in the body that causes our body to mobilize further against its own tissues. Our body's immune system is a form of inflammation such as mast cells of the army moving against not just foreign molecules, but the body's own molecules. This, of course, as you can see just makes the inflammation worse - not only in the gut, but the whole body


Scientists have discovered that internal inflammation is the source and possibly the cause of many diseases that afflict us, including heart disease, high blood pressure, arthritis and diabetes.

, where A is associated with acid reflux? Simply this. Many of these foreign proteins are known as lectins. Foods such as wheat, corn, white potatoes and beans contain large amounts of lectins. Lectins should not bother a healthy stomach and intestines. But they do not bother to hose who have allergies and acid reflux. Because allergies and acid reflux are often linked. Lectins can cause asthma and internal inflammation. A lectins can trigger heartburn.

LPR Diet Plan

Laryngopharyngeal reflux is complicated types of acid reflux disease. It is a condition in which the upper esophageal sphincter defects and acid flowing back into the esophagus and into the throat and voice box. When this happens, extreme pain a person feels. One unique feature of LPR reflux is that not all people experience heartburn and GERD, or gastroesophageal disease. The acid must remain long enough in the esophagus heartburn before it osjećao.Grkljan is more sensitive than the esophagus so acid that it enters causes a very agonizing pain sufferer.

Laryngopharyngeal reflux symptoms are throat clearing, throat irritation, chronic cough, excessive discharge in the throat, difficulty swallowing and hoarseness of voice. LPR reflux treatment is the same with GERD. These include medications to reduce gastric acidity, changes in lifestyle and most importantly, diet modification. Fiber rich foods are good for LPR reflux diet that includes spinach, corn, bran cereal, red cabbage, beans, peas, carrots, potatoes and fruit (apples, bananas and oranges ).

high fiber diet is very important for good digestive system. It prevents indigestion problems and discomforts in the stomach. Most of all, it aids in proper digestion and helps in regular bowel, so you will not have to worry about constipation. With less fiber intake, people can easily get tired in that any activity, the concentration is low. Thus, lower productivity and irritability scores. One of the reasons why many people just get fat because of lower intake of fiber.

has two types of fiber - soluble and insoluble. Soluble fiber forms glue like gel in the digestive tract. The gel softens stool and improves digestion. Bottom line is, when the proper digestion is achieved by using a high-fiber foods excess stomach acid is reduced. In tandem with high fiber foods, people with LPR reflux should avoid eating high fat foods. Highly acidic foods are also detrimental for LPR reflux disease, because it encourages excessive amounts of acid. Carbonated drinks and alcohol should be avoided.

What can you do to avoid or alleviate acid reflux are:

Avoid eating large meals
Avoid eating late at night
Never lie supine and bend down after meals
Do not wear tight clothing around the abdomen and stomach.
Trim down belly fat exercising regularly with abdominal exercises.
Give up smoking because nicotine weakens the lower esophageal sphincter.

Finally, people are different and it is important to bear in mind that there are foods that some people can tolerate, and some people do not. Know what foods cause allergies and avoid eating them. It is important to eat the right kind of food at the right time. Never late to eat a meal because it can further boost the acidity that causes reflux LPR.

Reflux Alternative Treatment - Why Curing Acid Reflux is As Easy As Eating an Apple

reflux alternative treatment is a popular search term these days! Thousands of acid reflux sufferers who relied on one antacids and medications are now turning to healthier and more natural ways to treat their heartburn.

If you suffer from acid reflux more than 3 times a week, this May be the most important article you read in the next year. Because as you probably figured out, antacids and medications are just a band aid for the treatment of GERD (gastro esophageal reflux disease ).

Pharmaceutical companies make billions for their slogan 'an antacid customer ... always antacid customer. But May you never have to take an antacid again if you use a reflux alternative treatment.

curing acid reflux with 'Apple Day'

Do you ever remember hearing, saying, 'apple a day keeps the doctor away? "It seemed like I heard that all the time while I was growing up. And now that my career has been focused around natural health, I think that the man who coined that phrase was a genius.

And if you suffer from acid reflux, this term can be even more useful! Here are some tips about how to restore health to the esophagus and lower esophageal sphincter (LES), which will in effect ... treatment of acid reflux.

1 for the treatment of acid reflux you need to learn how to restore health and esophageal tissue and sphincter tkiva.Jednjak the tube that carries food to your želudac.Sfinkter (LES) is a muscle flap that keeps food and stomach acid in the stomach. Since refluxed acid is very acidic, the tissues of the esophagus and the sphincter is probably damaged. Learning how to restore the health of both tissues is extremely important.

2 is a big apple is a natural antacid. Instead of taking an antacid for your next flare-up, try eating a slice of red apple. For some reason, many of my customers never leave home without their bag of sliced ​​red jabuke.Jabuka a day can keep heartburn away.

3 Another great way to restore the health of the esophagus and LES with honey. Honey is probably one of the oldest natural remedies. Honey has been shown to naturally restore the tissue, increase circulation and the fight against bacteria. Taking 3 teaspoons a day is recommended. One teaspoon right before bed is very useful.

4 You May also want to allow the esophagus and sphincter to heal properly during the first 3 days of reflux alternative treatment. You can do so simply by eating soft foods for 2-3 days. Avoid hard and crunchy foods that can worsen over the tissue.

5 Finally, you should also drink plenty of water. Drinking a full glass of water after every meal or snack can help create a tight seal on les želudac.Zbijeno seal will not allow your stomach acid is refluxed.

How to Cure and Prevent Acid Reflux

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Symptoms of Acid Reflux Throat

that affect the throat

acidic juices that have been pushed back into the esophagus from stomach acid reflux cause grla.Pogođene persons throat is irritated by the presence of acids contained in the partially digested food regurgitated from the stomach. Persistent acid reflux can cause the back of the throat or throat symptoms leads to inflammation of the throat and voice problems. Such Laryngo-pharyngeal symptoms, unlike the typical heartburn associated with GERD that people can easily identify with, it can catch the victim unawares and therefore known as a silent and atypical reflux.


Symptoms of acid reflux include the accumulation of excessive throat phlegm or mucous in the throat causing frequent throat clearing leads to a hoarse or sore throat, feeling of lump in throat, feeling of choking and wheezing. There remains a long-lasting feeling of coating in the throat or stuck hrane.Problem is particularly pronounced in the morning satima.Glas not remain natural and sounds slow. For people who are severely affected by acid reflux in the throat, can not be the incidence of pneumonia and ulcers on the larynx. This results as a result of injury of the esophagus caused by partially digested acid juice. If it still does not cure reflux for a long time, even though it can cause throat cancer or jednjaka.Duže disease persists, the more vocal fold scarring. Irritable and crying children may indicate their suffering from acid reflux in the throat that causes them to respiratory disease, difficulty swallowing, choking, pneumonia and asthma.

Things to avoid

throat and vocal cords affects the acidity require further treatment liječiti.Refluksa acid increases throat symptoms throat lozenges and cough drops containing menthol and eucalyptus oil as they are, but what causes throat irritation stimulates the stomach to secrete more acid. Other things that may worsen the situation, including mouthwashes, breath fresheners, gum and hard candy.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Bad Breath and Acid Reflux

Is there a connection between bad breath and acid reflux? Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) is a condition in which stomach contents back up into the esophagus, sometimes all the way to the mouth, causing heartburn and an unpleasant bitter taste. Many professionals and health writers list GERD as a possible cause of bad breath, but few go into any detail about what makes a bad smell. Since May there be to prove the relationship, there are several explanations can be taken into account.

First, the symptoms of bad breath and acid reflux often strike after eating large meals. Many foods, although we like to eat them, do not smell too good to breath afterwards. These include garlic (probably the most famous foods cause bad breath), onions, strong cheeses, spicy foods, alcoholic beverages, and many other foods. When a recently consumed meal is pushed back up into the esophagus, it would not be surprising that odor is produced in the breath.

Second, it is no secret that one has the stomach does not smell too dobro.Želudac acid environment where foods start to break down in preparation for digestive processes in the intestine. If enough time has passed since the food is consumed, the stomach contents back up into the esophagus in a case of GERD will have a pungent odor of sour vomit - an unpleasant odor producing an atypical halitosis and suggesting a connection between bad breath and acid reflux.

Third, in cases of chronic GERD, acid stomach liquids repeatedly come into contact with, and burn the lining of the esophagus. Since the damage is repeated often, the tissue was never a time to heal completely and thus chronically irritated with the constant production of dead tissue. Dead tissue has an unpleasant smell, and when it is present in the esophagus, it is likely to produce an indirect connection between bad breath and acid reflux.

But the truth is, there seems to be a really strong correlation between bad breath and acid reflux sama.Relativno low percentage of people with GERD experience chronic halitosis. Instead, scientists recently reported to 71 annual scientific meeting of the American College of Gastroenterology (2006) that the apparent relationship between proton pump inhibitors (drugs commonly used to treat GERD), and chronic bad dah.Droge, it seems, can cause an overgrowth of bacteria in the mouth odor -. Anaerobic bacteria and odor in the mouth were by far the most common cause of chronic halitosis

How Do You Know You Have An Acid Reflux Disease Symptoms

If you are experiencing a strange feeling that he could not explain, you May have acid reflux disease symptom. This may be especially true if you are experiencing these things at night or after eating certain foods.

What is acid reflux?

acid reflux disease is a condition where the acidic gastric juices from the stomach travels back into your esophagus. There are those who experience acid reflux disease symptom regularly and there are those who experience acid reflux symptoms only if they eat certain foods. Acid reflux disease is not life-threatening condition, but those who suffer from acid reflux disease symptom live with the discomfort and pain that this condition may result.

acid reflux disease can become serious if the symptoms do not resolve, and acid reflux can damage the lining of your esophagus. There are many over the counter medications that a person can take to deal with the most acid reflux disease symptom you May have.

You may need to see a doctor if over the counter medication does not work for you. They will often prescribe a lifestyle change, as well as a stronger medicine than what you get at the counter. Many times a simple change in dietary habits can alleviate the symptoms of acid reflux disease.

What is a symptom of acid reflux disease?

For those who are familiar with acid reflux disease symptoms, they do include the most common of all symptoms of heartburn. Heartburn is a symptom of acid reflux disease that sends many people running to the doctor. What is Heartburn is burning sensation that rises from the stomach into the throat. It can make swallowing difficult or painful. You May also experience symptoms of acid that includes hoarseness or dental erosion reflux. You May even contract asthma from acid reflux disease because the acid from the digestive juices can make their way in just the mouth and throat, but in the air passages of the lungs, as well.

Do not hesitate to talk with a health care professional if you are experiencing any symptoms of acid reflux disease. Once you get your signs and symptoms under control, you will increase your quality of life.

Acid Reflux - Causes

acid reflux or GERD (gastroesophageal reflux disease) occurs when fluid in the stomach back up into the esophagus. This is usually a condition that lasts throughout the life of the individual. Because the acid backs up into the esophagus, the esophagus can be damaged.

acid reflux or GERD (gastroesophageal reflux disease) occurs when fluid in the stomach back up into the esophagus. This is usually a condition that lasts throughout the life of the individual. Because the acid backs up into the esophagus, the esophagus can be damaged.


Another cause of acid reflux (GERD) is a hiatal hernia. Some people with acid reflux have hiatal hernias, and some do not. Hiatal hernia is not a prerequisite for acid reflux, but a large amount of people with acid reflux have hiatal kile.Hernija NOT interfere les.Les site should be level with the diaphragm, but due to a herniated LES is pushed and is located in the chest. This is a problem because the diaphragm is a large part of the les in order to help prevent reflux. Now the pressure of the LES and the diaphragm does not work as strong cjelina.Hernija reflux contributes to the reduced pressure.

acid reflux can be caused by rupture of the hernial sac ulici.Mjesto is near the esophagus. Acid gets trapped in the street. Because the sac is so close to the esophagus when the LES relaxes, it is easy to reflux.

hiatal hernia can cause acid reflux in a third time. Normally the esophagus joins the stomach at an angle creating a flap tkiva.Hernija leads to flap becomes warped and therefore it is useless to stop reflux.

People with acid reflux suffer from muscle contractions of the esophagus when swallowed. This is a problem, because the contraction pushes all the items in the esophagus to the stomach. If there is a good contraction then acid would not be pushed back and remains in the esophagus. Smoking disturbs the clearing of the esophagus too. It takes about six hours since the last cigarette smoke effects on the esophagus to wear off.

Acid reflux is common after a meal. It is always better to vertical so that gravity can help the acid move down into the stomach. A large meal is not recommended for people with acid reflux.

Acid reflux is common after a meal. It is always better to vertical so that gravity can help the acid move down into the stomach. A large meal is not recommended for people with acid reflux.


Monday, October 24, 2011

Does Acid Reflux Cause Bad Breath?

Acid reflux is very painful and dangerous condition that should not be ignored by sufferers. It can cause permanent damage to the esophagus, and in extreme cases even lead to cancer. However, no acid reflux cause bad breath? And if so, how, and what you can do to fix this?

What is acid reflux?

Before we go into that, you get a better understanding about what acid reflux and its symptoms. When a person eats the stomach produces acid species, which helps break down food, so you can digest.

of the stomach has a small valve between it and the esophagus that keeps the acid in the stomach, where it belongs. Acid reflux refers to a condition where acid spilling on top of the stomach, past the valve, and back up into the esophagus.

so how does acid reflux cause bad breath?

Remember that the breath is not just coming from his mouth. Each ray passes through the sinuses, the back of the throat, and even comes from the stomach and digestive system is thrown out of his mouth breath. As you can see, these acids and small bits of food particles and other elements in this mixture can affect the air that we call our breath.

Many people who have acid reflux get a bitter taste in your mouth or you often feel like you're thrown into his mouth, it is because the acid from the stomach can travel as throat and mouth. And if the acid can travel as far, apparently breath can affect acid as well!

Does acid reflux cause bad breath at all?

Not everyone is that acid reflux will automatically have bad breath, even though it is not so unusual. Anyone with this condition should be doing everything they can to keep it under control, as it is very serious, and bad breath is just a symptom of damage can be done on the system.

When considering how much acid reflux cause bad breath, you have to remember that if your breath is affected then your esophagus and mouth will be good, so it is important to solve this problem.

Acid Reflux, Sleep Apnea and Heart Palpitations

acid refluks, apneja za vrijeme spavanja i lupanje srca su ozbiljne bolesti koje su povezane s našim stil života. Ako ste netko tko je na rizik za bolesti srca, važno je kako bi se isključila bolest refluks kiseline prije preuzimanja odgovorna je za bolove u prsnom košu i lupanje srca. Čak i nešto što se osjeća kao tipičan slučaj žgaravice mogao biti znak bolesti srca, tako da pažljivo povijest i procjena pacijenta je potrebno.


acid reflux, sleep apnea and heart palpitations are serious problems that people have to worry about, otherwise, problems are more serious may result in untreated symptoms.
A person who suffers from sleep apnea may complain of frequent headaches, dry mouth, and sore throat in the morning, heart palpitations, urination during the night, falling asleep while working or driving, chronic fatigue and memory problems.
People who suffer from obstructive sleep apnea have an increased risk of hypertension, stroke, heart disease and accidents while driving or working.

If you suffer from acid reflux, sleep apnea and or heart palpitations, you are advised to consult a doctor. It is common for people to have occasional sleepless nights, but the lack of sleep on a regular basis is cause for concern. Insomnia may be a result of sleep apnea or even nighttime acid reflux. Insomnia will leave you feeling tired during the day. It will also cause psychological and physiological damage to your body.

If you suffer from acid reflux, sleep apnea and or heart palpitations, you are advised to consult a doctor. It is common for people to have occasional sleepless nights, but the lack of sleep on a regular basis is cause for concern. Insomnia may be a result of sleep apnea or even nighttime acid reflux. Insomnia will leave you feeling tired during the day. It will also cause psychological and physiological damage to your body.


When the underlying disease, such as sleep apnea, lung disease, hot flashes and insomnia cure diabetes can be treated as well. Natural remedies for insomnia include lifestyle changes, such as better nutrition. Much of the food we eat is made up of toxins that cause an imbalance in tijelu.Alkalna imbalance may be what causes insomnia in some people.


When the underlying disease, such as sleep apnea, lung disease, hot flashes and insomnia cure diabetes can be treated as well. Natural remedies for insomnia include lifestyle changes, such as better nutrition. Much of the food we eat is made up of toxins that cause an imbalance in tijelu.Alkalna imbalance may be what causes insomnia in some people.


acid reflux, sleep apnea and heart palpitations can all be monitored in some way to the food we eat. Hydrogenated fats, refined table salt, mono sodium glutamate, sugar, corn syrup, refined oils, baking soda, fried foods, junk foods, carbonated mineral water and alcohol are all toxins that will cause problems in the human body. Replace these poor health choices natural food, and May you begin to notice changes in your overall health, and you May be able to sleep better at night. Fruits and vegetables have lots of fiber and natural enzymes that balance acid-alkaline ratio in your body.


Sunday, October 23, 2011

Acid Reflux - What to Drink for It

Some people think ahead and plan a drink with meals that will help you avoid acid reflux. Wait a second, and ask for a potion that will relieve acid reflux. Depending on your style, here are some tips on what to drink for acid reflux.

Acid Reflux - What not to drink

There are four drinks you May want to avoid if you have problems with acid reflux:. Alcohol, coffee, peppermint tea, and milk

1 Alcohol There is some debate about whether or not alcohol causes acid reflux. Some warn against all alcohol, while others indicate only a very dry white wine, which tends to have high acidity. If you have acid reflux on a frequent basis, you May want to experiment whether it is worse or better after consuming alcohol.

2 Coffee is an ongoing debate about whether the coffee was to blame for acid reflux. People have thought for many years. In fact, people have believed so strongly that coffee companies finally decided that the market for a "smooth" coffee that is not the cause of acid refluks.Relativno recent study by Stanford University researchers, however, found no scientific evidence to support the idea that eliminating coffee provides relief from reflux kiseline.Studija, which appeared in the May 2006 issue of "Archives of Internal Medicine", assesses the published medical reports from 1975 to 2004 on heartburn.

3 Peppermint: Many people suggest avoiding products that contain peppermint. Peppermint tea, which sounds so soothing, can increase acid reflux. Peppermint to allow the passage of acid from the stomach into the esophagus.

4 milk: Many doctors agree that drinking milk with meals can lead to acid reflux in adults. Non-experts believe that milk neutralizes stomach acid, which is difficult to digest hranu.Rezultat can be acid reflux.

Acid Reflux - What to drink

There are a couple of drinks May want to try for acid reflux. Most fall into the category of folk medicine, but many people get relief with them. This information is for educational purposes only, of course. Please seek advice from your doctor before drinking any of these.

1 slippery elm bark tea: health food stores usually have slippery elm bark tea. Drink tea crust with a meal to prevent acid reflux. Bark tea coats the esophagus lining, reducing its sensitivity to acids. If you want to make tea at home, try to buy shredded bark. Use the inner bark, and steep it in hot water for tea acid reflux. This makes a thick drink with the consistency similar to runny gelatin. If it is too thick for you, simply add more hot water.

2 ginger tea: Ginger tea is also available in health food stores, and is helpful for acid reflux when used with a meal or immediately after meals. It is easy to make at home. Use 1 teaspoon freshly grated ginger root, or 1000 mg of ginger powder. If none is available, use ground ginger from the spice rack. Steep ginger in 1 cup boiling water for 5 minutes, then sip. Ginger is helpful for indigestion and acid reflux, especially if the spicy food.

3 Licorice Tea:. licorice tea is also effective in the fight against acid reflux. Purchase your tea, or do it by placing 1 teaspoon of licorice root in 1 1 / 4 cup boiling water. Turn heat low, and simmer tea for 10 to 15 minutes in a covered pan. Remove from heat and stir in 2 teaspoons of dried chamomile. Cover and leave your acid reflux tea to steep for 10 minutes. Drain them before eating.

CAUTION: NEVER use licorice tea for acid reflux, if you have high blood pressure (hypertension ).

4 Clove-Ade: If you want a cold drink, not tea, May you get relief from acid reflux and he drank a glass of clove-ade. Simply add a few drops of clove oil in a glass of cold water. Stir, and sip clove-ade slowly to compensate acid reflux.

5 Banana Milk-less Smoothies: Bananas seemed to be very effective as a fighter of acid reflux. Banana become a natural antacid in the body. Banana less milk smoothies are a cool way to use bananas ability to fight acid reflux. Start smoothies the night before by placing 1 banana, peeled and cut in pieces, kontejner.Sljedećeg days in the freezer, place the frozen chunks of banana in blender with 3 cups of soy milk, 1 cup frozen strawberries and 1 teaspoon vanilla extract. Adding sugar or other sweetener, and blend until smooth. Sip slowly relieve acid reflux.

heartburn, acid reflux, GERD, or indigestion:. People have found a safe haven for them all to refrain from drinking certain beverages, which is the point of drinking other beverages

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Warning - Prescription Drugs To Treat Acid Reflux Disease Can Cause Cancer

Laryngopharyngeal reflux natural treatments

If you have been diagnosed with acid reflux, heartburn, gastritis, esophageal reflux, or Bile Reflux you might want to read this free report on what to do to get rid of acid reflux symptoms, without taking any medication. That's right!

Even though you can get an answer to your question acid reflux completely from natural resources can benefit from a natural supplement that is medically proven that acid reflux flip switch to "off" position.

natural remedy for acid reflux means you never have to suffer from acid reflux again!

somebody that lives with him, it might come as a surprise, but it is possible.

for anyone who is not familiar with the concept of acid reflux or other related terms, such as heartburn, gastritis, esophageal reflux, or Bile Reflux, it can not do a great job. Ask anyone with the problem of acid reflux and your lack of insight will be converted into a deep compassion.

This is a painful experience that is caused by acid burn of the esophagus and makes it impossible for people with acid reflux to sleep without taking antacids or just laying on the bed as if it najednjak acids push up and as I said - that is really a painful condition


there medicine to treat acid reflux. Did it work? Hahaha, if you have acid reflux symptoms, you will know that it does not work at all. Yes - if you take into account the daily acid reflux medication for life

acid reflux remedy usually involves products that neutralize stomach acid with antacids as a basic approach. This approach is aiming to treat the symptoms instead of treating the patient. In fact the only neutralizing stomach acid your body releases the hormone gastrin regulate lowered hydrochloric acid in the stomach by activating the production of more stomach acid. This means that you are taking medications of acid reflux is only temporary relief, and instead of solutions provides an even greater problem for the treatment of acid reflux.

is a correlation between gastrin and cancerous tissue growth is widely known, and you can read all about it by just searching Google for "gastrin cancer ".

the best approach to treating acid reflux disease will find what went wrong in the first place, then you will find the answer to treating acid reflux is very jednostavan.Rješenje problem is so easy, but the hype and the drug is sold to mitigate the problem has become a major revenue stream for many people - especially the drug companies who are willing to please the masses with a drug that relieves symptoms so that their customers hooked up to keep using their products.

You do not have to buy information which will cure your acid reflux. Why buy something that should be taught in schools? What if you could get the information for free. What would you have to do to get it? If you really want to know what natural resources will cure your acid reflux disease forever, you should be prepared to pay anything for it. Why - because it is a natural response

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Acid Reflux Symptoms - The Ill Effects Of Bulimia

Your bulimia eating habits can create damage to your digestive system and cause you to develop the symptoms of acid reflux. You are considered bulimia if you have regular episodes of binge eating and then follow these episodes with clean either through vomiting or taking laxatives for your food. You force yourself to vomit or take laxatives as they do not want to gain weight.

During the binge phase, you have found it difficult to stop yourself from eating. You end up above her stuffing. Instead of eating a hamburger, you can eat ten, for example. When you do, you might be passing some psychological trauma and seek ways to overcome or forget the sorrow. You are also likely to have low self-esteem and confidence in yourself. It may also be that you do not really overweight, but because you feel extremely guilty in relation to the inability to stop eating, you feel you need to clean all the food afterwards.

However, forcing themselves to vomit immediately after eating can cause much damage to your body. 

Vomiting after eating removes food from the stomach and the acid produced by the stomach for digestion. Such as vomiting, stomach acid is forced to your esophagus. Finally, like throws up regularly at least once or twice a day, your esophagus becomes itchy and burning. You develop symptoms of acid reflux and GERD. All, you will find it hard to even swallow food properly.

Over the long run, bulimia can not only damage your esophagus, but can also wear down your stomach lining and eventually result in death. Indeed, people died from bulimia and its consequences.

If you do not treat bulimia, and then over a long period, May you suffer from malnutrition. Damage to your body can also become permanent for the rest of your life. Unfortunately, many do not realize the importance of getting treatment until it is too late.

The only way to overcome your eating disorder and get relief from your symptoms of acid reflux is the first to recognize that you have the bulimia. Once identified, then you should get into a treatment program should help bulimics. You'll have to go through some counseling it is important to boost your self esteem and confidence. You understand that you are hurting yourself with the eating disorder bulimia.

Then again, even though May you recover from bulimia, you still have symptoms of acid reflux. This is because damage to your esophagus already made internally. You will need to consume any medications to prevent the acid from returning to the esophagus. Some changes must be made ​​to your eating habits and lifestyle to acid reflux symptoms under control. However, these changes will place you in good stead to lead a healthy normal life.

Natural Remedies For Acid Reflux Disease

Just as there are many medical and pharmaceutical cures for acid reflux or GERD, there are just as many natural remedies for acid reflux disease as well. Folk remedies have been around for a very, very long time. It is important to note that while natural remedies are great for some people, they are not for others. As we always say about these types of cases, "to seek and do what is best for you, regardless of the ."

If you want to pharmaceutical agents for relief, then by all means, go for it. However, there are many protagonists of the natural health community, who claim to have answers. This article is about the natural remedies. I suggest you try them for yourself and see if they work for you. Trial and error is the best thing you can try.

Naturalists say that after the detoxification diet, drinking a gallon of filtered water a day and taking high doses of probiotics (good bacteria) can counteract reflux kiseline.Pravilo is that you should drink enough water daily to keep your urine pale yellow in color. It is important to note that he suffers from acid reflux May you need to drink more than that at lower pH levels in the stomach.

On probiotics, obviously there should be 85% of the existence of probiotics in the gut or intestines. Probiotics counter the effects of bad bacteria, which are present in everyone.

Yet another list of one of their favorite natural remedies for acid reflux disease-like plant called Artemisia asiatica. Others swear by using fresh garlic as a preventive measure for Gerd simptoma.Češnjak should be broken with a spoon before it was ingested to maximize the effect you want. Garlic is known to kill an organism called Helicobacter pylori, or H. pylori in the gastrointestinal tract. This is the only material in the stomach that can not be neutralized by hydrochloric acid (HCL ).

The less technical side, there are simple natural remedies every day, previše.Jednostavna use cinnamon on toasted raisin bread is popular. Cinnamon also has antiseptic properties and can solve the problem of stomach acid.

To chew the dry skin of grapefruit has been shown to help sufferers of GERD symptoms. Just dry them on a plate and when you feel symptoms coming on, eat some of these skins. How much will you need to take depends on your condition.

Minerals present in romaine lettuce are known to deal with an upset stomach and lower levels of acidity in the stomach.

A mixture of mace, nutmeg, and slippery elm is very effective in relief of GERD symptoms. It is easy to prepare by mixing these elements with distilled water and added them to a pint of hot half and half. Drink it as tea, when symptoms occur. You can keep some of these are ahead of time in the refrigerator. Only some of the heat when you need it.

I always tell my readers to consult a doctor before trying natural remedies for acid reflux disease. So, please talk to your doctor about these items to ensure that no negative interactions with any drugs you take regularly now May.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

New Technology For Acid Reflux Disease

If you do not respond to treatment, which means that all kinds of drugs and stomach acid photos coming, you may need some kind of surgical cases intervencije.Većini associated acid reflux surgery, required surgery, which will usually tighten the lower sphincter of the esophagus (food pipe). This is also called muscle-specific muscle ring, prevents stomach acid from backing up into the esophagus. When the muscle is not working properly, or does not close properly, acid travels into the esophagus resulting in heartburn sensation.

Some people have a little reflux and others are all gore.Problem is that stomach acid can back up that far, you could burn the throat, or it could go into the lungs causing asthma and cough.

Gastroesophageal reflux is such a huge problem worldwide, particularly in the United States, and a lot of people who are either misinform or just do not know what is acid reflux.

The stomach produces acid broke down food so that it could continue through the digestive process of the small intestine. Problems start to happen when the acid is not the proper pH level (acidity) in your stomach.

Too much or too little stomach acid production will result in digestive problems.

So the first thing physicians need to know the pH level of your stomach produces.

The importance of pH testing is critical, and unfortunately too many people get medication without conducting this review.

Studies have shown, more than 50 to 60% of people taking proton pump inhibitors misdiagnosed simply because pH testing was not conducted.

Example: if the result of your pH level indicates that your body does not produce enough acid, it would be illogical for your doctor to prescribe some types of medications such as proton pump inhibitors, since these particular medications will reduce even višekiseline in the stomach.

There are several ways to measure the level of acidity in the stomach.

One of the most innovative technology is called acid reflux Bravo chip.

Physician passes the tube through the mouth to the stomach and place a small chip in the lower esophagus.

This amazing technology measures the level of pH (acidity) in your stomach for 48 hours, providing accurate results for doctors a more precise diagnosis and better patient needs.

Slippery Elm - A Natural Cure For Acid Reflux and Ulcers

Slippery Elm is one of the largest plants in the world, but very few have ever heard of him. I did not iznenađen.Svetim alliance with Big Pharma is the U.S. government is good and strong. They want to curb the public becomes aware of the cost of herbs that could actually cure them of their ailments. Health problems such as acid reflux or stomach ulcers may become a thing of the past through herbs such as slippery elm.

In a very literal way, billions of state and the public pays for health care can be dramatically reduced if medicinal herbs have been recommended by a doctor, but I would not hold my breath waiting for that to happen.

Let's talk about the slippery elm. This remarkable herb helps soothe and heal not only when taken internally, but when used externally as a poultice. There are plenty of mucus that soothes, strengthens and disperses inflammation. It is much healing and soothing to irritated and inflamed flesh, and as such is useful for treating wounds, various skin eruptions and burns.

range of medicinal uses, where this plant is not only soothing, but the treatment is nothing short of astounding.

Here is a list of some of its multi-faceted medicinal uses:

    acid reflux gastric ulcers flatulence Chronic constipation (in combination with psyllium seed) Acne skin such as boils, carbuncles, abscesses Dysentery Poison Ivy (to relieve and cure when used as a poultice) vaginal irritation Burns, for example, burns, burns on a regular basis, of any kind really burns Sore throat Heartburn gangrenous wounds or sores Pneumonia Asthma bronchitis Painful urination

This list is by no means comprehensive. Slippery elm is a powerful "beneficial" or a soothing herb that comes from the bark of the slippery elm stabla.Prah is taken from the inner bark of trees, an ideal that are older than 10 years. Its botanical name is Ulmus fulva and it comes from or elm Ulmaceae family.

As you can see from the above bullet list, slippery elm has a wide range of medicinal uses. In fact I think the health benefits of slippery elm in this way:. Where there is something in the human body to be fed, watered and treated at the same time, I think the slippery elm

This means that the ideal treatment for inflammation of the fleshy areas such as ulcers, which I have intimate personal knowledge, burns, inflammation, poison ivy, boils, skin diseases, inflammation bowel syndrome, etc.

let's compare the plant with the typical allopathic medicine for acid reflux disease. Specifically, why do not we do a fair comparison cheap prices slippery elm with pharmaceutical drugs Prilosec and Nexium side by side?

First, plants and medicine advocates claim that the same thing.

drugs are promoted as the new miracle cure for millions of people, and the main money makers for drug companies. Ever heard of the drug Prilosec? After being released in a gullible public, Prilosec, the original "Purple Pill" for heartburn, became a # 1 selling drugs for senior citizens in the world. Want to guess how much money this "miracle drug" Prilosec manufacturer AstraZeneca profits? Try $ 6 billion dollars annually. B. This billion

When the patent on Prilosec expired, its maker, AstraZeneca, moved forward on the $ 500 million marketing campaign to move consumers Nexium, the next Purple Pill. To say to make money on these drugs is an understatement. You do not spend $ 500 million on an ad / marketing campaigns, unless they be that much more in profit. And it's profitable.

What do you think about the slippery elm cost? Supply of 100 capsules of slippery elm capsules will run you $ 9-16 dolara.16-ounce bag of slippery elm powder will run you anywhere from $ 20 to $ 26. I saw an ad for Nexium, which charged $ 130 for 100 pills. (I actually saw it as high as $ 162 for 30 tablets .)

to pay even $ 25 to $ 90 a month for a pill that never heals, but moderates the problem is I drug. This is a stopgap measure at best. It's crazy. SlipperyElm corps is an all natural remedy for acid reflux and ulcers. I've had two ulcers that slippery elm not only helped mitigate on a daily basis, but to actually cure . Imagine that.

of Western medicine is a great blessing for humanity with its research and emergency medical services, but they are demonstrably a terrible record on actually healing people from illness.

In summary, this plant is a great gift to mankind, but unfortunately, humanity is wise enough to use it, or are simply ignored its virtues. Most herbal medicines are very inexpensive, but the U.S. government and pharmaceutical companies do not want people to know about these all natural cures for drugs if they are released to the public or knowledge, $ 6 billion profit centers will almost disappear, and with it, its inherent tax income. So if you have ulcers or acid reflux or something that is inflamed or injured, slippery elm can help.

Monday, October 10, 2011

Reducing Acid Reflux and Choking Spells

choking can be very upsetting and distressing experience for many who suffer from acid reflux, and children and adults podjednako.Simptom choking usually occurs at night when a person is sleeping, and choking is what tends to wake up to the person who would usually violent cough and clear his throat to catch their breath.

Why is acid reflux and choking occur? When acid reflux occurs during sleep, the body's natural defenses against reflux are deactivated. For example, you no longer have the ability to swallow saliva, which neutralizes the acid and the lower esophageal sphincter (LES) relaxes, so that it no longer blocks stomach acid from flowing into jednjak.Deaktiviranje natural defenses can not only lead to heartburn, but also allow stomach acids creep up the esophagus and the pool in the throat, which allows it to flow into the mouth and nose. When this happens, the acid may be aspirated (sucked when breathing), it causes you to dribble into the lungs and windpipe, resulting in choking, and possible damage to the lungs.

There are several factors that can cause acid reflux and choking at night odraslih.Sljedeći the defect as the main factors, after what can be done to cure the problem:

- sleeping lazy - If you're sleeping in the supine position (laying flat on your back), stomach acid can flow freely into the esophagus and remain there for a long time. This can cause heartburn, and can also lead to further rises in esophageal acid into the throat.

Prevention Tip - Sleep with your head and shoulders elevated, about 3-6 inches above the mattress. Use pillows to podbočiti.Ideja is to get your body on a slight incline so that acid can not reach the upper esophagus. Sleeping on your left side may prove useful as studies have found sleeping on the right side can make the problem worse.

- Sleeping in constricting clothing -. Tight clothing that gathers at the waist places pressure on your stomach and can force acid in your esophagus

Prevention Tip - Wear loose fitting clothing / pajamas to bed and avoid pants, shorts, underwear, or tight elastic waistbands. While asleep do not want to cause unnecessary aggravation that increases the risk of reflux or makes it worse.

- to eat before sleep - Many people make the mistake of eating or drinking right before bedtime. Lying down too soon after a meal slows the digestion and sleep on a full stomach dramatically increases the risk of heartburn and acid reflux and choking.

Prevention Tip - Eliminate foods that trigger acid reflux symptoms (IE fatty and spicy foods, alcohol, etc.) from your regular diet, and avoid eating or drinking 2-3 hours before going to bed. If you're thirsty, just drink water slowly in small quantities.

How can I prevent acid reflux and choking in my child? Unfortunately, children are also prone to acid reflux and symptom gušenja.Glavni reason for this is because the LES is not fully developed in many children younger than 18 months. Signs of acid reflux in children are:

- Frequent spitting in combination with poor sleep

- Extreme nervousness

- Frequent back or neck arching or stretching

- Refusal of food

- Easy difficulty

- Chronic sinus or ear

If your child has any of these symptoms, you must have / she correctly diagnosed her pediatrician. Acid reflux is very difficult to diagnose in children, and only your child's pediatrician can make the diagnosis and determine what treatment is best for your child. Never diagnose your child on your own.

But keep your baby has acid reflux and choking, the following are ways you can prevent your child from suffering:

- change in diet. This may mean giving your child:

- smaller and frequent meals
- Coated formula with rice cereal
- Do not foods that trigger acid reflux, such as citrus foods, tomato products, carbonated drinks, spicy foods, chocolate, etc.
- Keep your baby upright during feeding
- Keep your child upright for at least half an hour after meals
- Lay the child so that they are on a slope so that their heads and shoulders are slightly elevated. This can be done using a wedge pillow.
- Your doctor may prescribe medication


Finally, anyone who suffers from acid reflux and nocturnal choking, or other symptoms, should discuss with your doctor and get necessary treatment to prevent symptoms occur, so that damage to the esophagus and / or lungs can be avoided .

Sunday, October 9, 2011

The Benefits of an Acid Reflux Disease Diet

If you suffer from acid reflux disease, You May Be aware of possible medication and lifestyle changes that can help reduce your symptoms. One of these is going to eat acid reflux disease diet. This will not only help to prevent and alleviate the symptoms of acid reflux disease, but will also help improve your overall health as well as recommendations in any acid reflux disease diet is very beneficial for the body as a whole. You May also find that other digestive diseases and health have improved as a byproduct of acid reflux disease diet, which makes it a very good plan to try out for obvious reasons.

How to plan for acid reflux disease diet

The first thing to do is stop eating foods that obviously make the symptoms worse. Examples of these are all foods that are very spicy, or contain lots of pepper. Any foods, such as certain fruits and vegetables, which tend to cause gas will also aggravate acid reflux. All of these will be avoided when trying to reduce acid reflux disease. You need to pay attention to just what you cut your acid reflux disease diet, however, as you do not want to avoid all the vegetables, but only those that cause additional pain.

to design your own acid reflux disease diet, notice what foods make your acid reflux worse, and try removing them. Do you replace them with something of equal value food - unless of course they are bad for you in the first place! Cutting down on or avoid alcohol, for example, is very useful in acid reflux disease diet. Alcohol can almost always acid reflux symptoms worse, because it tends to relax the esophageal sphincter, allowing more acid to reflux into the esophagus.

, you'll probably also find only change the meal time to help. Many people suffer from acid reflux find that eating several small meals instead of three big ones makes the stomach produce less acid after eating every meal, which helps reduce symptoms.

acid reflux disease diet will probably vary from person to person, depending on their likes and dislikes, and their bodies reaction to any food. You should make sure that you are getting proper nutrition, and after eating plan. Check with your doctor before making any health lifestyle changes. Also try consulting with a nutritionist as well, he or she will be able to help you put together a personalized acid reflux disease diet that not only helps alleviate the symptoms of acid reflux disease, but also has all the nutrients that your body requires for optimum health.

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Acid Reflux Help Tips

Have you ever experienced aching pain in the chest after eating meals? You may have interpreted it as if it was an impending heart attack. If it still persists, chances are you May have acid reflux disease or gastro - esophageal reflux bolest.Bol you just felt is called heartburn, and you May need help acid reflux.

Heartburn is common to millions of people today. Occasional heartburn can be harmless, but as it takes a long time, it becomes more chronic. This can lead to serious problems, laryngopharyngeal acid reflux and hiatal hernia. However, instead of what leads to what, on May be best to discuss some helpful tips on how to deal with your acid reflux and get away with heartburn.

1 Chew your food properly. This will stimulate the salivary glands to produce saliva, which neutralizes the acid. Eating quickly will only worsen reflux.

2 Keep a food diary that gives you a feeling of indigestion, and avoid them as much as possible. Keep a list of rundown in fiber and low fat foods. Fatty foods are hard to digest and thus run the reflux as well.

3 Lose extra fat in the abdomen. Do abdominal exercises to firm your abdominal muscles. Excess fat can push your stomach that makes the sphincter to relax and to cause regurgitation.

4 Stress can cause more acidity in the stomach so you better keep stress to a minimum.

5 Avoid drinking alcohol because it causes acidity and worsen their indigestion problem. Reduce smoking to worsen acid reflux cough.

6 Try different heartburn home remedies, natural remedies makes it easy from the side effects of antacids. There are many natural recipes that can help alleviate your symptoms of indigestion. Apple cider vinegar is one of the effective ingredients for heartburn.

7 Eat frequent but small meals a day and do not eat much in one sitting. Never lie down immediately after eating.

8 Consume only a small ounces of water during meals of 30 min. After a meal you can drink all you can. Too much water can dilute the acid, which can also cause indigestion of food.

9 Start exercising for your health. Generally it's good for your digestive system and improves digestion. Make sure you do regular exercise.

10 You are free to the counter antacids to relieve you of the unpleasant symptoms of heartburn or you can ask your doctor for a prescription.

These 10 tips will help reduce heartburn and acid reflux cure, but if you still feel unrelieved after taking these simple steps, you should visit your doctor and get a further assessment of the severity of your acid reflux.

Acid Reflux - Gastroesophageal Reflux (GERD)

gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) occurs when the lower esophageal sphincter (LES) does not stay closed. There are several theories about why this happens. It is commonly believed that the tissue structure of the LES is compromised by one or more of these factors:

- Overeating

- Eat foods that contain high acid

- Delayed digestion in the stomach contents

- Reduced salivation

- Relaxation LES (transient)

- Decreased LES resting status

- ineffective esophageal clearance

- an inability to resist the esophagus injury and repair themselves

Gerd episodes occur frequently during the day, often after eating too much food or food high in fat. However, there are many reported cases of this happening at night, and one is in a horizontal position for sleeping.

In the course of this research, I found that most doctors recommend that patients avoid alcohol, caffeine and chocolate, as these items seem to be the biggest "offenders" in one's struggle against this evil. It should also be noted that smoking, tight clothing, medicines, hormones, obesity, pregnancy, and even body position were cited as factors in the development starts this disease.

GERD is often accompanied by a hiatal hernia. It is a protrusion of the stomach through the esophageal hiatus, an opening in the diaphragm, which leads to the chest. When this type of hernia is present may contribute to transient LES relaxation and delay admission due to impaired esophageal evacuation. This means that the hiatal hernia can allow more acid reflux occurs after exposure, which creates GERD symptoms and esophageal damage.

Common symptoms of GERD include les are:

- Heartburn - burning in the chest behind the sternum

- regurgitation - not to be confused with vomiting, which employs the digestive and abdominal muscles to force the stomach to the esophagus, this is a bitter or sour taste in my mouth because the stomach contents reflux is to achieve the

- dysfunctional swallowing (dysphagia) - this is the feeling of food "hanging", "smooth" or "slow down" the throat and stomach

- Pain on swallowing (Odynophagia) - a sharp pain below the breastbone that occurs during swallowing. This pain is caused by erosive esophagitis (when the lining of the esophagus someone is "eaten" by gastric acid and gastric enzymes)

- chest pain - when the reflux, it can be sharp or dull and may radiate to the neck, arms or back. It is often mistaken as a heart attack. Do not take any chances. Seek immediate medical help in case this happens, so your doctor or health care provider may exclude cardiac problems and help you treat the cause.

common test used to diagnose and evaluate GERD include:

- upper gastrointestinal endoscopy and possibly a biopsy of the esophagus

- pH Testing les - the sensor is put in place for 24 hours to determine whether or not reflux occurs and to assess the levels of acid are refluxed


Depending on your doctor's assessment, GERD can be controlled in the early stages of the diet and over-the-counter antacid. Not recommended that one employ this method of treatment without first consulting with a physician. More severe diagnoses may require more in-depth treatment, possibly including surgery.

Your doctor may recommend one or a combination of the following:

Changes in lifestyle:

- Raise the head of the bed 4-6 inches (5-8 centimeters)

- Antacids neutralize excess stomach acid

- Avoid overeating

- Avoid alcohol, chocolate, caffeine, and

- without food two to three hours before going to bed

- lose weight

- Avoid fatty and / or fatty foods

- drink eight 8 glasses (about two liters) of water a day


- prescription drugs to reduce stomach acid

- endoscopic stitching - this is a minimally invasive procedure and may create a barrier to reduce reflux in patients with mild to moderate GERD. It can not be done, however, if someone has a large hiatal hernia

- Surgery on the LES - the most common is the Nissen fundoplication. But there is a less invasive form of surgery using laparoscopy. Your doctor will determine which better suits the need.

Keep in mind that untreated GERD can lead to many serious complications, so do not ignore the fact that often the "heartburn". Get checked out now!