Sunday, October 30, 2011

Which Option Is Best For Treating Acid Reflux Naturally

There are a number of different ways you can treat Laryngopharyngeal reflux and acid reflux naturally. For many people who suffer from frequent acid reflux or gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), natural and non-drug remedies are the preferred way to not only treat their symptoms, but also prevents them from recurring.

The following are examples of common natural remedies for acid reflux. However, keep in mind that not all natural treatments will benefit anyone who suffers from acid reflux, because each condition is specific to the individual. In other words, what works for one person, does not always work for another.

life changes - Lifestyle changes are often the first step in treating acid reflux naturally, because this form of treatment is designed to stop the acid reflux sufferer from subjecting their tijelomnogi factors that may cause symptoms of weakening les. Changes in lifestyle will vary depending on the individual, but typically include:

- Removal of food and beverages that trigger reflux (IE spicy and fatty foods, citrus and tomato products, caffeinated drinks, alcohol, etc.)

- Eat smaller meals more frequently rather than gulping food. Chew food thoroughly to begin the process of digestion.

- do not eat 2-3 hours prior to bed and sleep with your head and shoulders elevated about 3-6 cm

- the loss of excess weight if overweight or obese

- Stop smoking and avoid smoky environments where you can breathe in a lot of second hand smoke

- do not wear constricting clothing (IE avoid corsets, belts, tight pants, etc.)

- reduces stress levels, because it can lead to behavior that promotes acid reflux


link - Believe it or not, but the water is actually one of the easiest ways to treat and prevent acid reflux naturally. Drinking lots of water a day (IE eight, 8 oz. Glasses of water daily) helps to improve digestion and flushes residue acid from the esophagus.

herbal remedies and foods - There are many different herbs, fruits and other foods that are recommended to relieve and prevent heartburn and other symptoms of acid reflux, including:

- Ginger

- chamomile

- dandelion root

- Slippery elm

- Melissa

- Active manuka honey

- apple cider vinegar

- Ripe papaya fruit

- Bananas

natural food remedies are typically ingested raw before, during or after meals. Herbs can be eaten in its natural form, taken as a capsule or tea form before, during or after meals.

Alternative Treatment - Common alternative treatments used to cure acid reflux naturally, include:

- Acupuncture - a technique based on traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), which involves inserting very fine needles into specific points on the skin to stimulate the body and encourage them to control symptoms, relieve pain and treat

- Acupressure - follows the same principles as acupuncture accept that fingers, thumbs or knuckles instead of using needles to apply pressure to specific points to stimulate healing


- Homeopathy - Alternative Treatment is based on the Law of Similars.Uvjerenje that natural substances prepared in a specific way, and is used in small doses, restores health of the sick person, which would otherwise cause healthy people to become ill.

- Homeopathy - Alternative Treatment is based on the Law of Similars.Uvjerenje that natural substances prepared in a specific way, and is used in small doses, restores health of the sick person, which would otherwise cause healthy people to become ill.


No matter how you choose to cure acid reflux naturally, do not forget that it is imperative you follow all instructions and the recommended doses carefully, and find out if there are any side effects or drug interactions should be aware of.


For people prone to acid reflux / GERD because of peptic ulcer, hiatal hernia, Barrett's esophagus, gastroparesis (delayed gastric emptying), or some other condition such as diabetes or asthma, natural treatment May not be enough, and often in combination with other treatment methods, such as medications and possibly surgery.

Discovering what natural remedies will work for you will probably be a process of elimination, so they do not become discouraged. In addition, you will find it easier to find out what medications are best for treating your acid reflux, of course, learning what the root cause is that triggers your symptoms of acid reflux. Therefore, you should have your condition properly diagnosed by health workers, as well as seek treatment advice from your doctor.

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