Thursday, October 27, 2011

Reflux Alternative Treatment - Why Curing Acid Reflux is As Easy As Eating an Apple

reflux alternative treatment is a popular search term these days! Thousands of acid reflux sufferers who relied on one antacids and medications are now turning to healthier and more natural ways to treat their heartburn.

If you suffer from acid reflux more than 3 times a week, this May be the most important article you read in the next year. Because as you probably figured out, antacids and medications are just a band aid for the treatment of GERD (gastro esophageal reflux disease ).

Pharmaceutical companies make billions for their slogan 'an antacid customer ... always antacid customer. But May you never have to take an antacid again if you use a reflux alternative treatment.

curing acid reflux with 'Apple Day'

Do you ever remember hearing, saying, 'apple a day keeps the doctor away? "It seemed like I heard that all the time while I was growing up. And now that my career has been focused around natural health, I think that the man who coined that phrase was a genius.

And if you suffer from acid reflux, this term can be even more useful! Here are some tips about how to restore health to the esophagus and lower esophageal sphincter (LES), which will in effect ... treatment of acid reflux.

1 for the treatment of acid reflux you need to learn how to restore health and esophageal tissue and sphincter tkiva.Jednjak the tube that carries food to your želudac.Sfinkter (LES) is a muscle flap that keeps food and stomach acid in the stomach. Since refluxed acid is very acidic, the tissues of the esophagus and the sphincter is probably damaged. Learning how to restore the health of both tissues is extremely important.

2 is a big apple is a natural antacid. Instead of taking an antacid for your next flare-up, try eating a slice of red apple. For some reason, many of my customers never leave home without their bag of sliced ​​red jabuke.Jabuka a day can keep heartburn away.

3 Another great way to restore the health of the esophagus and LES with honey. Honey is probably one of the oldest natural remedies. Honey has been shown to naturally restore the tissue, increase circulation and the fight against bacteria. Taking 3 teaspoons a day is recommended. One teaspoon right before bed is very useful.

4 You May also want to allow the esophagus and sphincter to heal properly during the first 3 days of reflux alternative treatment. You can do so simply by eating soft foods for 2-3 days. Avoid hard and crunchy foods that can worsen over the tissue.

5 Finally, you should also drink plenty of water. Drinking a full glass of water after every meal or snack can help create a tight seal on les želudac.Zbijeno seal will not allow your stomach acid is refluxed.

How to Cure and Prevent Acid Reflux

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