Sunday, October 30, 2011

A Balanced Approach to Exercise with Acid Reflux

Experiencing acid reflux esophagus and stomach is not a picnic. Anyone who has felt the burn of heartburn does not look forward to your return. In order to control acid reflux and reduce the risk of heartburn, there are many natural techniques you can try and suffer, such as watching their diet, and manage your weight. When it comes to managing weight, exercise plays an important role. Unfortunately, some exercises can actually cause acid reflux.

exercise does not usually cause heartburn, but for those who suffer from chronic acid reflux, heartburn can occur, especially when dealing with high-impact and jarring exercises such as running, or for athletes who participate in an intense fitness regime . Furthermore, stomach exercise seems to cause acid reflux in some people.

It seems that the symptoms of GERD caused by exercise are due to excessive contraction of abdominal muscles. Some exercises cause stomach acid to travel back to the esophagus, which tends to result in heartburn, shortly after the exercises are completed.

Although there is a risk that May you experience heartburn either during or after performing a particular exercise, it does not mean that you should not exercise. In fact, there are many ways to prevent exercise-induced žgaravice.Evo few suggestions.

eat sensibly before workout - Eat foods that are high in carbohydrates and low in fat and protein. Avoid foods such as caffeinated drinks, spicy and fatty foods, chocolate and citrus juice. Foods that dramatically increase the risk of acid reflux

Do not exercise immediately after meals - wait 1-2 hours after eating before engaging in exercise. Exercising on a full stomach puts pressure on the sphincter and increases the likelihood of acid reflux nastaju.Sfinkter the circle of muscle between the stomach and esophagus.

drinking water - to drink (do not swallow) a lot of water while working out to keep yourself well hydrated and to help digestion. As a guide, drink 8 oz. of cold water 30 minutes before exercise, and sip a 16 oz. of cool water every 15 minutes while exercising. Finally, drink about 24 g of water when you're done. Note:. The amount of water you drink may change based on the intensity and duration of exercise

Ton-up exercise level - instead of engaging in activities that require a lot of jiggling and bouncing like running or high impact aerobics (eg jumping jacks, step-aerobics, sit-ups, etc.) - which increase risk of acid reflux -. participate in walking, cycling and swimming exercises

medication - If you suffer from chronic heartburn and take medication for your condition, such as over-the-counter H2 blockers (Pepcid, Zantac, etc.) or prescription medications, talk to your doctor about taking meds before exercising if you frequently experience heartburn during exercise.

Do not forget to talk to your doctor!

If you find that exercise is causing heartburn, make sure you talk with your doctor before you start taking the medication. Ask your doctor to recommend exercises that will cause less problems. If you can not find new ways to exercise, without causing heartburn, medication may be the best solution.

Finally, make sure not to neglect your body. If you experience chest pain during exercise, do not ignore the pain and brush it aside thinking it was just heartburn. Chest Pain May actually be a symptom of the true heart of the problem. Always have chest pain checked out by your doctor.

Remember, the risk of exercise-induced heartburn is not an excuse not to exercise. Think of it this way. It's better to exercise and take your chances of suffering heartburn that can be treated with medication, but do not exercise and increase the risk of heart attack and a slew of other health problems.

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