Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Myths That Turn Your Stomach Sour: Acid Reflux Facts

When it comes to heartburn and acid reflux disease, it is difficult to separate fact from fiction. So, many people believe old wives tales about heart burn. While taking antacids may help relief your heartburn today, it will not cure problem.Jedini way to reverse the damage caused by acid reflux is by adopting a healthy diet and understanding the myths surrounding acid reflux.

Enjoy spicy foods

One myth is that you can prevent acid reflux by avoiding spicy foods. But researchers at Stanford University found avoiding spicy foods or drinking milk will not reduce žgaravicu.Samo changes that seem to work include raising the head while you sleep and eat smaller portions.

eat more

When people first hear they should eat more often, they are happy. However, eating more does not mean eating more food. It just means that you should have small meals spread throughout the day. When it comes to acid reflux, eating large meals takes a toll on your digestive system. Small meals demand less hydrochloric acid for digestion. Make sure you eat a balanced meal, including some complex carbohydrates with lean protein and healthy fats such as olive oil. High-fat meals require more stomach acid which can aggravate heartburn. While some experts say coffee, tea and alcohol do not play a role in acid reflux, it is still a good idea to limit alcohol. Adhering to the phrase "everything in moderation," can mean the difference between being thin or obese. Avoid beer and soda pop, if you suffer from acid reflux. Diet soda is the most acid-forming beverage market. To avoid like the plague. In addition, researchers have demonstrated many times drinking diet soda will actually gain weight instead of losing it.

Tips to prevent heartburn

To prevent heartburn, go for a brisk walk after dinner. Treat yourself to a good hour before lying down after meals. Also, if you can, raise your head while sleeping. When you overindulge, try using an antacid, which is sold without a prescription to alleviate the discomfort associated with heartburn. Just to pledge to adopt better eating habits and stop smoking. Some of the long-term risks associated with GERD include ulcers, asthma and cancer of the esophagus. Realize antacids are not candy. Some side effects include diarrhea and constipation. Use them only rarely and focus on lifestyle changes.

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